About Us
Our work together began when we started planning and facilitating workshops and trainings. We quickly found that we appreciated and trusted each other’s experience, creativity, and respectful responsiveness to others. Since then, we have created a number of workshops for personal development and spiritual exploration, as well as facilitated several multi-level training programs.
Our participants and clients consistently say they appreciate our expertise, warmth, humor, and commitment to providing quality counseling, wellness coaching, and training. We believe we offer a unique experience because of who we are, the positive intention we bring to our work, and our dedication to offering a sacred space for healing to take place.
Our values are in working with each other, our clients, and our students in an integrative way. We believe in the intrinsic capacity of people to connect with their own inner wisdom, access spontaneous creativity, and develop a more conscious mind-body balance. With a spirit of exploration and discovery, we consciously and intentionally tailor what we do to meet your needs and allow for the possibility of deep transformation.
Our similar focus in work and values has been fertile ground for what we create and offer to others, together as well as individually in our private practices as counselors and wellness coaches. We are so grateful to have each other as friends as well as colleagues and to be there for each other with support and peer consultation. We do our best to “walk our talk” as we live and work in a way that promotes life balance, relational harmony, and open awareness to the unknowing mystery of our journey.
noun \ syn·er·gy \ ˈsi-nər-jē \
The working together of two things to produce an effect greater than the sum of their individual efforts, to achieve something greater than either one could achieve on its own.
Cara Marinucci, LPC, FAMI (left) | Erin Johnson, LPC, LMFT, FAMI (right)