Cara and Erin created the Meditation, Music and Wellness podcasts in 2011-12. They invited listeners to engage mind, body and spirit in over 25 conversations on meditation practices, music, poetry, creativity, spirituality, and wellness. 


Cara and Erin introduce the practice of Gratitude Meditation as a way of opening the heart towards yourself and others.

Experience a meditation supported by Tibetan singing bowls that we use to help with sleep. 

Meditation, Music and Wellness is a podcast designed to engage your mind, body and spirit. Today’s podcast invites listeners to experience and practice Lovingkindness meditation. 


Cara and Erin introduce walking meditation as a tool for connecting with your body and mind.  In addition, we share our thoughts on labyrinths as a tool for walking meditation.

You are invited into a meditation of being present in nature and bringing our skills of mindfulness to listening and experiencing nature.

Join Erin and Cara as they share the beauty of music that connects us to the spiritual.  In this podcast, we play an excerpt of Romanza by Ralph Vaughan Williams and invite you to experience this music for yourself.


Today’s podcast invites listeners to explore the way poetry can be a meditation.  

Cara and Erin read the poetry of David Whyte with the music of Daniel Kobialka providing a soundscape for the poem “Start Close In”.  This poetry meditation provides a wonderful reflection on the act of engaging in meditation itself and guidance on what is helpful in that endeavor.

Join us in a poetry meditation exploring "Wild Geese" by Mary Oliver.


Cara and Erin invite you to create wellness by cultivating a mindful relationship with food.  In this podcast we will offer a mindful eating meditation and discuss how all of us can benefit from a kinder and balanced awareness in our daily eating habits. 

Cara and Erin invite you to explore Body Awareness as a way of connecting with the aliveness of the body and to nurture that sense of being fully present even as the body moves.

Tara Brach’s book, Radical Acceptance asks us “How would your life change if you genuinely accepted yourself, just the way you are?”.  In today’s podcast, Erin and Cara explore this question and offer a meditation from Tara Brach as an opening for relating ourselves with unconditional friendliness.


Join Cara and Erin for an exploration of music and a way of listening to it more consciously as a way to orchestrate your life’s soundtrack! 

Cara and Erin explore the question “What Story Are You Living?” (also a book by Carol Pearson) and how understanding our life story helps us engage in our present life with increased strength and wisdom.  We introduce the universal hero’s journey to show how story can be symbolic and metaphorical while also being relevant to our lives right now.  Also, we play a bit of music to give an example of the feeling and tone of the hero’s journey.  

Cara and Erin discuss the archetypes of the hero’s journey based on the work of Carol Pearson and her book “Awakening the Heroes Within”.  Join us as we explore the challenges and gifts presented in this mythological story we can all connect to through the story of our own lives. 


Erin and Cara will bring attention to mindfulness meditation through the words of Jon Kabat-Zinn.  He is well know for establishing the Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction program at University of Massachusetts Medical Center and has written numerous books, including Wherever You Go, There You Are

Erin and Cara will return to the focus of mindfulness with a guided meditation.  This will be a nice introduction for people who would like to learn how to meditate.

Erin and Cara share a meditation with music on “Letting Go” and invite you to take ten minutes to experience this gentle mediation written by Jack Kornfield. Jack is a one of the leading Buddhist teachers in America, and one of the key teachers to introduce mindfulness and insight meditation to the West. We are deeply grateful for his teachings and the compassion evident in his presence. 


It’s the New Year and it’s time for some creative visioning with Erin and Cara!  This podcast will provide an experience with music that will give you the opportunity to state your goal and then imagine the different ways you will be active and engaged as you move towards reaching that goal.

Erin and Cara invite listeners to experience the healing power of music with some listening samples and discussion about music and imagery.

Mandala is a sanskrit word that means circle.  Erin and Cara will explore how Mandalas can be used for self discovery. 

Cara and Erin share their adventure of becoming HealthRhythms Facilitators and the excitement of what this dynamic and research-based program offers for health and wellness.